equine therapy spokane
Equine Facilitated Learning Coaching and Healing
Phone 509 - 876 - 1802
New On-line ZOOM Series
for Depth-Empathy Support
with Gloria Lybecker
Join a circle of others as a compassionate witness to deepen your own empathic capacity as a parent (or to receive empathy support to re-parent your own inner parts) while enriching your practice to both give and receive depth empathy. Experience the power of depth empathy in a series of support calls that integrates the body’s wisdom, resonant language, and an understanding of interpersonal neurobiology.
Every human born comes into this world as a child. Unfortunately, not everyone was welcomed with attuned resonance and empathetic understanding for how they experienced their life. In this series, you are welcome to receive empathy around parenting your child, re-parenting your sense of self, or around whatever is live for you in the moment that you would enjoy receiving some empathy on.
In this ZOOM video series Gloria offers 40-min depth-empathy support to one participant who is willing to receive while being held in a circle of resonating others. When we begin to listen to our own bodies, and fully attend to our physical/emotional experience allowing it to unfold as it needs to in the moment, we find our way to deep restorative healing.
Each depth-empathy session comes to a close with a round of needs met from those witnessing the session, allowing space for the one receiving to absorb the beauty of the needs. Then a final round to name what each individual is taking away from their experience of being a part of the whole.
Contact Gloria (lifefocused@gmail.com) to become a participant on the list of those receiving a depth-empathy process for free and/or if you’d like to be a resonating compassionate witness in attendance or receive the recording ($30). Gloria will bill you via paypal for each session you register for.
Click here to purchase the complete 2017 series (recorded and live) saving $240. Bi-monthly 60-minute sessions.
Calls are at 2pm Pacific time on the following dates (subject to change depending on Gloria's travel schedule):
1/3, 1/24, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14, 3/28, 4/4, 4/11, 5/2, 5/16, 6/13, 6/20, 7/11, 7/18, 8/8, 8/22, 9/5, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 11/14, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12