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Power Tools for Living

An 8-Week Equine Facilitated Learning Program for "Tweens"













This SIX-WEEK summer program (limited to 8 youth) teaches basic emotional health constructs

Experience with horses is not necessary to be a participant

The Importance of Power Tools:

  • Respect is the hub of all interactions in a healthy relationship. Without it, there is no real intimacy or connection. Responsibility - The cost of privilege.

  • Verbal and non-verbal communication is used to reveal that a person desires to establish or maintain a relationship with another being. It is only as one has a clear understanding of physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual boundaries that one can achieve satisfying and nurturing relationships with one's self, family and friends.

  • Many people are often unaware that they are even making choices, let alone understanding the impact their choice will make upon their life. When a person experiences the accurate reading of his/her feelings and a responsible response from another being (including a horse), validation, significance, and empowerment result.


Join us to have lots of fun, self-discovery, and healing.


Starts Monday, June 24th from 9:30am-12:00pm for 6-weeks

Includes Healthy Snacks and Water 

Cost: $635


Pre-Registration and Payment Required

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