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The Winds of Change...

The whisper of autumn is drawing near as the first leaves begin to fall from the trees and get blown across the paddocks. It has been a hot summer, with only a few drops of rain one blustery day last week, and time has slipped by - some days quick like the blink of an eye and others have passed ever so slow and painfully.

My summer began with me getting to experience the magic of Moon Shadow Ranch as I completed my Advanced Equine Studies: Self Mastery and Expansion with Equus. It was a dream come true for me personally when the Horse Shaman, Moon, communicated his intention to step in to work with me, to guide me in my learning each day, and we ended our week together with a Dance in the round pen.

Returning home I was so inspired to write and invite you all to come learn and play with me and my herd - I was breathless with the discoveries I'd made and eager to share with others.

And then - my second day home I injured my right hand.

My grandchildren were staying over receiving riding lessons, as I was tacking up one of the horses, I slipped and crushed my right hand. The shock and pain were enormous, yet I pushed on and persevered to complete the lessons. (My granddaughter ran and got an ice bag for my hand.)

Nearly everything I do depends on my right hand to some degree. I soon came to realize that my dreams would not materialize the way I had imagined. Disappointment sank into my heart and mingled with the pain in my hand. Wondering what message I could possibly be receiving from the Universe, what direction was opening for me now?

Each day I spent time being with my herd, experiencing connection without an agenda, learning from being in their presence how to accept things as they are in each moment. How to live more Present in each moment, appreciating what is, developing more and more gratitude for the life I am blessed to live in the Now.

I continued to meet with clients, in partnership with my herd, throughout the summer (my horse handler literally became my right hand!) and each session revealed deeper, more subtle layers of life experiences, ready to be welcomed home into each client's inner community.

As I reflect on the theme that unfolded, I see a thread in the Tapestry of Life which connects all the threads for wholeness, a sense of completeness, of Peace. This thread reveals that each thread of Life matters, without each thread the Tapestry is not complete.

The threads are seemingly fragile, yet quite resilient. They lived their lives mostly hidden in the shadows, yet the more they experience being noticed (without an agenda - or being made wrong) the more their light can be felt, integrated, and known. All inner parts matter and need to be welcomed home.

Paying attention and listening deeply is key to hear Life's messages, this summer it began like a shout to my system, and ended like a whisper. The message I received was, "Trust, be still, and Know I Am God."

Developing trust, slowly yet surely, I notice subtle differences in my inner experience. I am empowered to hear (receive) with more ease, to trust my own capacity to remain Present tuning in for what needs to emerge in each moment. I am guided by That Which Holds Us All, in partnership with the Horse Ancestors, as I hold a container of sacred space for all who come to connect with the majestic Healing Herd.who Grace this land.

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